Food & Fellowship

The St. Joseph’s Food & Fellowship Ministry Volunteers seek to provide a warm and inviting social atmosphere to create opportunities for parishioner fellowship after each Mass and to spark development, encourage unity and support around St. Joseph’s ministries and other common spiritual and daily living concerns.
Get Involved!
To volunteer or to find out more please contact Anna Rawson at (503) 828-4955 or
9 am / 11:30 am
Coffee and Donuts
Parishioners donate to provide soy free donuts (gluten free upon request) with a small selection of healthier options supplied by parishioners by potluck along with coffee, tea, hot cocoa, hot apple cider and water. Kids coloring table is available.
5 PM
Sunday Appetizers
Parishioner donations provide a selection of appetizers after the 5 pm Sunday night mass!